Sunday, April 4, 2010

poor T.B...

Who isn't inspired by the odd splash of underpass smut?

I am always impressed by the grammatical prowess demonstrated. How promising the world's future looks if these are our future leaders.
My favourite was spotted many years ago on the wall of a local scout hall.
In massive letters: "Fuck oof"
Washed off then in less than a week it was back. Dedication. I like to picture the artist defending his work to a collegue," Dude, I totally meant to spell it like that"

Two more such great works were spotted on the back of school bus seats, " Troy eats crusty bum flakes" perfection.
And another personal favourite, " Paul Vargas sucks feral arse". What a wordsmith

As none of the above had been witnessed in the time of camera phones, the piece pictured in exibit A drew me back for this kodak moment.
It poses many questions. Answers to which can only be speculated.
  • Who is T.B?
  • Is the artist comparing T.B's cooch to the anatomically perfect vagina representation or the overpass itself?
  • What will be T.B's retaliation if any? " ____ blows goats" scribled on an MTT bus seat? Maybe...
  • Does the cock represent the artist? and if so should they have added more pubes?
  • OR was the cock an afterthought or helpful addition by a passerby?